

The last few people that were up for their interviews decided to pass, so if there are any volunteers, please contact me so we can start doing features again in the new year. We can pick it up again and our members can get to know us better. :)
Ayin, I really look forward to reading about the talents and artistic journey of the members. It is shame that it is becoming difficult to get members to enjoy this opportunity. I also postulated that you were too busy to do the interviews. There are so many that post with regularity with such outstanding work that reading about them would be a pleasure. Only what they care to divulge is used, so they have control over the process. IDK if sending out a PM to all would be viable, as many may not see this thread.
Thanks Joy. I will probably do what you suggested. I think we will resume in January with someone I am waiting for to get back to me with the questions answered (I hope!), and in the meantime, I will send out a PM. I was just hoping to get active members, but maybe sending out a PM to everyone will also get others who are not active to come back and participate more. o_O

But I too look forward to reading more about our members, as I really enjoy it! ♥️ Thanks for your words. They really mean a lot. I want people to know that others want to get to know them even if they think they don't or are not sure. I think it's important!
Ayin, considering you and Hannah are so busy with your business and personal lives, the time you devote to the forum is greatly appreciated.