Vincent's Door


old man
11 x 14 oil on paper Alla Prima .. Knife
Been on hold for a bit as I was trying to get back to landscape paintings and that failed miserably. I like to play with color. To get back into the mood I looked to find a door and Vincent left the door open. And so, you get flowers. It's a go between for the moment.

Thanks Arty... just trying to get the juices flowing again. Been too long in between inspiration and reaction. You know when your stopping point is no longer your starting point and you need a point to jump from. Well, this is my jump off.
This is gorgeous. Gorgeous! I admire your chosen palette as well as this beautiful style.
Thanks Arty... just trying to get the juices flowing again. Been too long in between inspiration and reaction. You know when your stopping point is no longer your starting point and you need a point to jump from. Well, this is my jump off.
I know exactly what you're talking about. Much of the time, I need one of my last paintings to inform my next ones.
Thank you Terri. I definitely know you are not talking about me. 😂

Yes, Arty, seems it is that way with me too. One thing leads to another.
Thank you. Guess I was thinking more in line of subject over style. Thank you. Renoir. Wow, now my hat don't fit. 😇
My mobile screen reads "knife been on hold". So I was thinking, how does he do THAT with a brush??? Hehe... That's a good one, Wayne!
This makes me want to play with knives again. Not that I can do that, but makes me want to try.