Using Leftover Clay Scraps


Well-known member
There are always leftover scraps of clay after making slab pots and sculptures. After the laborious process of preparing the clay for slab work, as described in the Sculptural Folds thread, it hurts me to simply discard the scraps. Here are some pots I made with clay leftovers. Waste not, want not!

These two bowls were made by pressing slabs into a concave hemispherical mould. Both are decorated with a thin white glaze and sprinkled on the inside with manganese dioxide. I use them as fruit bowls.

Width 430, height 150 mm.

Width 430, height 200 mm.

I made this tall vase by laying a 45 x 100 mm wooden beam on the table, then draping slightly overlapping slabs over it. I beat the slabs together and pressed dents into them with a 12 x 30 mm wooden bat. I made two vertical halves like this, joined them together, then added a base to form the pot. The vertical seams are visible, because I didn't want to smooth the pot too much. I applied a brown glaze overdipped with yellow, then used small amounts of very runny blue and brown glazes in the hollows and around the rim.

Height 370 mm.


Wow! Those are so beautiful! It seems that using scraps leads to the best designs in lots of art forms, as if we are forced to be more creative than we think possible.
These are fantastic. I like them all especially the tall vase.
I'm in love with the bowls you use for fruit. They have a wonderful style and are unmistakably YOU! ♥️