

old man

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Dec 10/22


11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Dec 10/22
the first was from my own ref photo in Nfld and the second my ref photo Nova Scotia ..
Your output is remarkable, Wayne. All such beautiful quality, it is truly amazing.

I guess it helps when you have good ref photos and, from these two lovely paintings, I'm guessing these were well-composed shots.

I prefer the landscape distance of the first one for composition, but the warm palette of the second one makes my heart happy! :)
Thank you CaliAnn

Thanks Joe

Thanks Terri. ......actually I normally don't have well composed pictures and unfortunately I am a delete freak so the photos from these pieces are long gone. I actually painted these from paintings of my photos. I have probably used that comp for the basis of a few paintings.
No promises but if I get motivated I will do a little explanation with photos of how I get my painting from my photo. Now I have to go find a photo that I have in a folder somewhere. My head is into a floral at the moment so I have to get that bug and kill it first. As for output, I normally put 5 here and 5 in the trash. I am not past the stage of making bad bad paintings. So I show the bad and not the bad bad and every now and then I get a real good one. ;)
Are these both done with limited palettes, Wayne? The color harmonies are amazing. Really beautiful work!
Thanks Donna.
My normal palette is all or some of these.
Permanent Rose, Prussian Blue, pthalo Blue, French Ultra Marine Blue, Lemon Yellow, Indian yellow, and Titanium white.
Sometimes I use one yellow, one blue, one red. Not sure what these were done with.