Two simple landscapes


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...or are they....too simple?

I confess, I've always liked these kind of minimalist abstracted watercolor landscapes. Relaxing to paint and to look at.

These are sketchbook size small and one is on Arches and the other on cheap wood fiber Canson. Big difference. But I like the smoothness of the Canson except it tears when wet if you even just look at it and it's so bad that unpredictable things happen like blooms, which can be fun. The Arches cold pressed is a little too rough textured for this small size I think even though in every other way it's superior.

I've never really done the sketchbook thing. I'm going to start and these are the first two. Some basic stuff I feel like I missed. I feel like I've tried to skip the small essential steps in watercolor. Like just making a lot of small studies.

I think I'll be doing a bunch of these so be warned. Hopefully they get better. :) C&C welcome.


The blooms add interest and I like the added ink lines. Well done, keep it up. ❤️
...or are they....too simple?

I confess, I've always liked these kind of minimalist abstracted watercolor landscapes. Relaxing to paint and to look at.

These are sketchbook size small and one is on Arches and the other on cheap wood fiber Canson. Big difference. But I like the smoothness of the Canson except it tears when wet if you even just look at it and it's so bad that unpredictable things happen like blooms, which can be fun. The Arches cold pressed is a little too rough textured for this small size I think even though in every other way it's superior.

I've never really done the sketchbook thing. I'm going to start and these are the first two. Some basic stuff I feel like I missed. I feel like I've tried to skip the small essential steps in watercolor. Like just making a lot of small studies.

I think I'll be doing a bunch of these so be warned. Hopefully they get better. :) C&C welcome.


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Not simple, simply focused.
I do ink and WC as finished paintings in small sizes when traveling or when I want something direct with a simplified relatable compositional quality. These have that, especially the lake one, to my eye. Keep it up!
I have never been enamored of the notebook thing. Just do these on small papers that fit in my fanny pack. Same idea, just not collated. YMMV, of course.
They aren’t too simple for me because I prefer this style. Both are very nice and I like the colors in the bottom one a lot. Small sketchbook pages feel less intimidating because you aren’t making a “painting” - at least that’s my impression.
Thanks sno. The "ink lines" are actually from one of those ball ended things. I think they use them for ceramics for making lines in the clay. First time using it and I like it. Like you probably know when used on a wet wash they cause a line. I think it actually made it easier to then paint within the lines as I think the indent sort of corals the wash. I'll have to pay more attention to that. It's not as bold as most ink which I think I like also.

Thanks Bart. Yeah sometime the simple things are best. I'm currently working on a complex painting and doing these was like therapy. Like visiting a quiet place for a bit to relax for a while. But it's funny, I've sort of looked down on these as being too simple and common or something, even though I really like them. It's like I was denying my own inclinations in favor of something more difficult and "impressive". I guess we all evolve as artists. Dropping some of the ego probably helps.

Thanks Donna. Yeah your lovely paintings are in this realm I guess but maybe more evolved. They are in that sweet spot of not too simple and not too complex I think. Yeah the sketchbook is a good idea I think for doing more informal experiments which I don't do enough of. And to keep all the color swatches and stuff together for once. I've got various pieces of paper with color swatches and mixes .......all over the place.

Thanks Wayne. I've been noticing the paintings in the backgrounds of TV shows. It seems that they are most often simple abstract landscapes. I'll pause and rewind to get a better view of them. They must be choosing that style for a reason.
John, I have experienced the same feeling that the simple line and wash paintings are therapeutic.
The simplicity is what makes them each so charming- well done! I love the outlines and the washes. The blooming adds a fun element.

Very successful - looking forward to seeing more, John!
..whatever you do should be for love of art. If you chase art you will be the dog chasing its own tail. 🤪

LOL, I feel more like a dog chasing a squirrel, no the mail truck.....nope..... that bird. Ummmm, time to bark at the neighborhood kids. Dig more. Oh look a squirrel!!! :)
I love these John. I know they look nothing like 'em, but they remind me of Chinese landscapes in a way. These are beautiful. They really are. Keep doing these, please! ♥️
Thanks Ayin. Yeah maybe the lines are a bit like the ink in Chinese landscapes. I do love Chinese landscapes so thank you for that comparison.