Trees and snow


Well-known member
I spent a bit of time in the ski slopes this past weekend. And have been sketching/painting on the subject of pine trees and snow. I do feel I have found the path on which to improve for these two subjects. The way of painting from my shoulder, very loosely with a loaded mop brush feels true to me.




But when I try to paint cliffs/rocks I can't really get into the flow.
Nice, you have something starting to gel I think. Simplicity is appealing.
Thank you Murray. There is a balance between being loose enough, but still not too sloppy. I do end up on the too sloppy side sometimes. But I think that is just me needing practice :)
These are so loose and lively, Rikard! You are doing good things with your mop brush. I think the Sargent studies in your other thread are impressive too. Your work reminds me of the watercolor work of Carolyn Lord. She keeps her color shapes separate sort of like you do.
These are so loose and lively, Rikard! You are doing good things with your mop brush. I think the Sargent studies in your other thread are impressive too. Your work reminds me of the watercolor work of Carolyn Lord. She keeps her color shapes separate sort of like you do.
Thank you very much. I see that Carolyn does quite a few rocks and cliffs. I will look at her work for inspiration and guidance :)