Three Places


Well-known member
This is a composite of three photos I took. I entered this as an entry to be considered for a juried show. The theme of the show is "generations" and the idea is to paint something that speaks to one's generation. I'm a boomer. This doesn't really do that but hopefully speaks to multiple perspectives that sort of represent different generations. On the left I hope it shows two teens looking at a smart phone, the middle an older couple and the fishermen - of a group but they are individuals. I don't know. I couldn't really think of anything else. I mean what's a painting that represents a boomer? Someone fumbling with a smart phone? Actually going to a store for food?

I sort of rushed this out the door to meet the deadline for entry. I might have futzed with it more. The silhouettes are kind of dark. I might have added more color and made them less black. The whole color scheme is a little somber. And I thought I erased all the pencil sketch lines but they still show. Oh well.

This is watercolor and gouache. It's on gatorboard that was coated with watercolor ground. But I thought I would need it smooth for taping so I sanded it, which left the coating very thin. The watercolor just ran all over the place. Made things difficult but maybe gave a different look than paper. 14x20 inches C&C welcome

It's a wonderful painting but, as a fellow boomer, I wouldn't be able to figure out what to paint to indicate my generation, either. I guess maybe poodle skirts and saddle shoes and a bullet bra under a sweater?

You've painted a lovely scene. I love the soft colors and the sillhouettes. I think the dark colors are great for the figures. They kind of indicate another time and place like back in distant memories, you know? Very nice. :)
I think the figure colors are perfect, I like them. You did well with the theme. Beautiful scene with space and lot to think about.
I think deadlines and painting for specific theme are challenging. I tried few times to reach a deadline but always had to give up. You did well!
I agree with all of the above thoughts, John, especially about how hard it is to paint for a specific theme. I like the quiet mood you created and the dark silhouettes remind me that so many have gone before us. Those people on the beach aren’t anyone specific; they could be anyone from any time. You did such a nice job with this and no more futzing was necessary!
Thanks Ellen, moscatel, Sno and Donna. Hopefully it gets into the show. I suspect that the other artists will also find the theme challenging. Either way I've wanted to paint this for a while. Now I can get back to the abstract challenge which I've been wanting to do.
Wow, John, this is really wonderful. There's a lot of feeling in this. You did a fantastic job here. What I love about it is the nostalgic vibe and the technique of the painting. I like all the little things you pointed out about how it got this way. Maybe upon looking at it, no one would know, but the result is beautiful: the sanding, the pencil lines (which I don't see, by the way), and how the water took to the ground. You can tell it's an old couple somehow, the man, maybe? The shades of the silhouettes are actually perfect for their distances. This is GREAT! This will for sure get in. ♥️