The Sinking



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Jan 17/22
I really love this one. Something about the a-symmetry of it. I can't put my finger on it, but it doesn't matter, because it's just really cool. ♥️
Wow ... I think the room just tilted to the right and I need to find my balance. There's something special about the delicate way you blended the colors in contrast to the less-than-delicate subject matter. One of my favorites, Wayne!
Thank you Kay

Thak you Ayin .. doesn't matter why as long as I got ya .

Thank you Donna .. I think it might be the Turner light.

Thank you Lamar, Zen, and John
Thank you Susan
.. That's the sight of a hunting falcon coming in for a landing .. saw it on TV . a hunting falcon with a camera on his head .. quite a spectacular view

Thank you Esther .. you're right about that ..
I love that you are getting more and more into abstracts. It is opening a new dimension to your work. 👏
Thank you Desforges. I agree. Everything is more entertaining and adventurous rather than strained and coming out of a pressure cooker.

Thank you Sanlynn
Wonderful Wayne! I see this as the figure being on the heights and looking down into a chasm. Super. ❤️❤️