The Pond


old man


study ... 11 x 14 inches oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 18/22
Added more wax to yesterdays medium and I got the matte finish .. didn't get as fluid so we'll see tomorrow what happens when I add a little more green to today's medium. It is interesting how the paint takes on a life of it's own when you can lay a stroke and move on. The hard part is when a passage doesn't work and you try to bring it back to life and as a result, you sometimes have to rework the rest to get back to the passage you just restored. But that is in fact the fun of painting. Can you lose it and get it back. After all, they are only studies.

I did discover today that I tried to get back to yesterday and that was a no no. Everyday is a new day with new thoughts so the expressions are best left to feelings rather than trying to paint similar to that image you liked the day before.
I like this - but I am missing some of the light that I've been enjoying in your other paintings. I know it's only a study, and I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts - lots to learn from you!
Thank you Ayin. Your art eyes are good. Yes, it is far more complicated than meets the eye. There are a lot of bricks in the wall.
I like the subdued colors in this one, Wayne; kind of a quiet mood. Thanks for sharing your adventures with wax medium. We're all learning from it.
Thank you Donna. I think the more fluid medium works better for me. I can adjust the fluidity of the paint by adding more and t seems if I mix a 50-100 of medium and paint then the paint is soft and I stil get my matte finish and a quicker than oil drying time. I have to be much lighter with my knife with softer paint for some techniques but mixing on the surface is easier with the softer paint. I'm sure over a month's painting my hand will adjust. I look forward to seeing your excursions with the wax.