The Pain of Waiting


Contributing Member
Another rellie one! This one a little sad.
Painted in response to a relative hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.
Acrylic, on 125 X 75 cm canvas.
Lovely, and yes a little haunting! Definitely a story here. Nicely done, Jennie!
I like the way you use loose washes of acrylic. The person turned away from us seems to suggest that there is stress to be dealt with.
Love this, there's a very clear narrative. Really like the way it's painted too.
Thanks Kay. Especially your comment about the 'how'. It's a style I'm trying to develop. This is my 5th large piece. I like painting in the style, just not sure ...
I like the way you use loose washes of acrylic. The person turned away from us seems to suggest that there is stress to be dealt with.
Thanks Donna. I was hoping to convey the stresses of dealing with pain. Even with support, you are the only one who can deal with it.
I have been doing lots of work, with lots of interruptions. Apologies for not responding earlier to all the feedback. They are all I,portant to me. Many thanks everyone.