The Influencer And The Judge


old man

11 x 14 Inches .. Alla Prima .. Knife/Brush .. oil on paper .. painted Dec 5/21
This is what I saw. .. of course it has evolved as it is only a story .. :giggle:
Thank you Arty .. it came from where ideas come from .. no help from me .. actually if you looked enough at the corner of the painting in the "Crimping The Sun" piece you could see the seed of thought.

Thanks Sno .. it today's world one can't say
.. cameras and recorders everywhere .. dare not throw a stone when your house is made of glass
I can see so many possible stories with this one, Wayne. Very interesting for sure!
Should be in a gallery.

Great mark making with the knife. The texture and variety is just great. The geometry. Drama. Great stuff.
Beautiful knife skills on display here, Wayne! ❤ This one is full of intrigue. Great work!
Thank you Terri .. on two accounts .. this and the thought I got when I looked again to see the painting .. I had a dream last night and: well I can't tell you everything so that's all I'm gonna say about that .. ;)

Thank you Joe
thanks Ntl .. I must admit that thought never crossed my mind but I see how you get it.

Thanks Jo .. yes, imagination can be fun unless you get lost on the dark side.