The high priestess

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nufocus
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Acrylics on paper. Around 18”X18”.

I did the figure quite a while and kept on changing the background.....
Beautiful eyes! I love her--her clothes are spectacular. It's cleaner, mysterious, and the colors control the emotional impact, which is like a sonic boom. Just lovely.
This has to be my favorite of yours Nufocus. It is beautiful and the eyes are reminiscent of the Keane eyes. :giggle:
I could see your figures on the covers of Penguin Classics, like Degas' on Zola's Les Rogoun-Macquart series. (Glad I looked that up!) Prolific as Zola, too, it would appear.
I admit, I wrote a couple of paragraphs in reply, exploring this fine image......subject.
Then I realised......great art does that....makes one ask detailed questions about what is seen.

So I deleted my scribble because the answers are intangible.
Thanks a mill, guys!
A few words about her: her gaze follows the viewer, no matter at which angle he or she looks at her. It’s a somewhat cold, arrogant and distant look. Her mouth seems to indicate some malice. Her headdress became a part an integral part adding to the mystery by accident. I can’t remember how I started it. The gloved hands, in two different colors, and especially the way the fingers are arranged add imho to the mystery. Anyways, there she is. The kind of woman you don’t want to mess with!!....