The Ghost of Holland Woods


Active member
There will someday be a story behind this drawing


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Ooo, this one's fun! Really nice work, Kat. I agree that this deserves a story - or being cover art for one. ;) It's very good.
Looks good. No, that's not right.:eek: Very nice. No that's not right either.:eek: Good job on the drawing. There, I think that one will work.:ROFLMAO:
I just had a thought. If I really want feedback from so many accomplished artists, I need to post my reference photo beside my art as my goal is to capture likeness. That is when I would ask the commenters to be considerate but brutal in their comparisons. That's how I learn. Boy, that takes trust, but I have come to really respect you guys.
I've never photographed a ghost, but I have seen a few! I think you did a pretty good job.
Thank you. I decided that in the privacy of my own home there would be nothing wrong with writing a story and then I started drawing, trying to draw, what some of the characters would look like, it seemed to add a different dimension. What would a Guardian Angel look like? Did I capture it? Not yet.
The Angel is mistaken for a ghost. She (the Angel) is forced to reveal herself when the woman she is guarding has determined that she will commit suicide.
Rooster Cogburn here just dared me to paint him. Looked directly at my camera. I do have some acrylics around here someplace. Should I give it a go?


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Good. That's the point. This Guardian Angel did actually give the main character a fright in the story. Thanks.
It’s awesome that your angel/ghost has a story to tell! It’s a powerful drawing. I like Rooster Cogburn too and think he obviously wants to be painted. He looks like the demanding type.
Oh Roosey is demanding, but Joe Cocker is even worse. They almost had a fight to the death one day and Roose is still a bit of a cripple. Chickens!
The farmer I got them from was gonna throw them in a pot. Couldn't have that, now could we. So now I have two roosters intent on killing one another, and I dont even get an egg out of the deal. We are all misfits here, me included.
I don't even remember when I did this. A few years ago I suppose.


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