The Chair


old man

painted from life .. drawing with the brush as I painted
11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. brush .. Painted 04/12/21
I ran into a wall and yesterday and for the first in about 45, I did not finish a study. I just could not get anything going.

This morning I was having my coffee and watched a video posted by Hermes about some old guy painting a chair and listening to him as he painted, gave me enough spark to paint. No attempt to paint like the dude except to use brushes and stand back from the easel. Of course in my studio there was only a chair I usually throw my good clothes on after I change into my painting clothes. This morning the floor received my clothes. I moved my palette over in front of my easel instead of back on a bench where I walk back and look, mix, step forward and paint. I liked it except I could feel a strain on the back of my legs where I was reaching over the box I put there to hold my palette but it did stop me from moving closer the painting. I need brushes like that old dude had where they were two feet long at least. I call him old because he is 98. Beautiful video: well worth watching.
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I'm glad you found your spark, Wayne. The chair was a great model and I like the way it turned out. Long brushes sound like a good way to keep from getting overly detailed but I'm sure they take some getting used to. It's great that someone can paint at 98!
I like that you left a lot to the imagination. We don't know what is in the background and we don't know the pattern on the chair, we can just let our minds wonder and explore. ❤️❤️
Thank you Donna .. it was the old guys mind that sparked me .. great attitude

Thanks Hermes .. you have to like the old guy .. his painting looked good too but these days I am more about the way I paint. Thank you for the video.

Thanks Sno .. FYI .. viewer left is another room with an upside down painting on the floor and my old shoes in front of it .. right side is wall casings and wall with a painting on it .. The chair has no pattern other than a few curves on the spindles .. an old chair form a long time ago ..
Gorgeous. I love your chair, and this simple scene. ❤ The doorway and the painting over the chair are such wonderful touches.

More, please.
I like how this came out. Wonderful texture of the wood with your variations in color. I agree with snoball, the painting draws you in and sparks imagination of what is through the doorway.
Thank you Anne. It's interesting paint from life as I get caught up in finding color notes.
Love this one, Wayne - great marks on the chair that give it wonderful character, and subtle and interesting colour choices. Glad you were sparked back into painting!
Thank you Federico
.. finger painting with dignity I hope .... you just can't eat ribs with a knife and fork if you want to enjoy them so if you want to enjoy them then by all means dig in: use your fingers .. heck I just might give that a try ... I'm sure I could figure it out.
One of my favorites of yours, for sure. You did a wonderful job here, especially for a technique you don't usually do, as you said. It turned out great. I'm so glad that video inspired you. It did me too--to get even looser. Old people always teach us something!

I have always used long brushes and knives, unless I'm going in for details. Then I use the short handles, like 3/0 size.