The Chair II


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife/brush .. Painted Dec 7/21
Started out as a live painting of a chair in my studio but when near finished I realized how bad the perspective on my chair was. I scrapped it back and then with the mud and remaining paint I painted this piece which was sparked in my imagination by the remnants of the original failed painting and the colors I had at my use.
Good save Wayne. You ended up with a lovely painting. I love how the chair and the tablecloth catch the sunlight.
thank you Queen .. I like to think my style is reminiscent of the Russian Impressionist> I always liked how they gave you enough to from an image but you had to finish the image.
Gorgeous! I could never think of this as a save; more to the point the artist only had to figure out how to pull this beautiful composition back from the ether where it was temporarily lost. ;)

Lighting, colors, texture.....*sigh* ❤️