The Bottle Said To The Rose ...


envy of the bottle.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted June 17/22
Went out of my way to add the abstract quality and in this one I'm glad I did ..
It was a brittle and thorny conversation, a long time in coming.

Those blooms are outstanding, Wayne! May i ask how you arrived at that hot red? That red with the green leaves pack a punch.
Thank you Lamar.

Vermillion red is the warm and permanent rose is the cold. As for mixtures a lot of them happen on the canvas but I blocked in the whole of the roses with vermilion adthn lulled darker cold mixture gently around them to form the roses with yellow added to vermillion for highlites.
Beautiful!❤️ See, I told you that you should specialize in flowers. Everyone agrees. :giggle:
Thank you Sno. Where are the billionair collectors. Shouldn't they be knocking on my door yet? 🤔