"The Big Lie"


Active member
Finished re-working this last night. Pretty sure it is done now. 8x12. ~ Steve.

My creative process... My artwork is always based on a photo I have taken. Whenever I see something that "interests" or "speaks" to me I take a photo of it. I purposely do not analyze why I took the photo as that would ruin the mystery for me. I just file it away for future reference. When I am ready to do a piece I'll go to my photos and find something that connects with me on a spiritual or emotional level and begin. Although all of my work is allegorical (the subject, or the various elements that form the composition are used to symbolize a deeper moral or spiritual meaning) I do not think of a story to tell and then illustrate it. Instead I work much like the German romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich "A painting must be found, not invented". The art follows the photo but I take liberties with it as needed. When painting I am working on the right side of the brain and totally in the zone. When I am finished I am often surprised with the results and only then can I come up with a title. More about this can be read on the "About" page on my website www.bendykowski.art. Hope this was of interest to someone. ~ Steve.
My creative process... My artwork is always based on a photo I have taken. Whenever I see something that "interests" or "speaks" to me I take a photo of it. I purposely do not analyze why I took the photo as that would ruin the mystery for me. I just file it away for future reference. When I am ready to do a piece I'll go to my photos and find something that connects with me on a spiritual or emotional level and begin. Although all of my work is allegorical (the subject, or the various elements that form the composition are used to symbolize a deeper moral or spiritual meaning) I do not think of a story to tell and then illustrate it. Instead I work much like the German romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich "A painting must be found, not invented". The art follows the photo but I take liberties with it as needed. When painting I am working on the right side of the brain and totally in the zone. When I am finished I am often surprised with the results and only then can I come up with a title. More about this can be read on the "About" page on my website www.bendykowski.art. Hope this was of interest to someone. ~ Steve.
Thank you, that was generous of you to share in words what you shared in your art. I will check it out.