That Day At The Park


Well-known member
"That Day At the Park" acrylic on 24' x 13" panel
comments welcomed

xythat day at the park.jpg
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Oh, this is fantastic, Bongo! I love everything about it! Great concept and execution. Fun stuff!

(My mind is going to "The Day the Earth Stood Still" for some reason.)
Very interesting and original. I was looking at all the figures on the ground for some time before I even looked up at the sky!!
Oh, this is fantastic, Bongo! I love everything about it! Great concept and execution. Fun stuff!

(My mind is going to "The Day the Earth Stood Still" for some reason.)

That movie gave me nightmares, if it's the one I'm thinking of.
That movie gave me nightmares, if it's the one I'm thinking of.

It's been ages since I've seen it, but it didn't give me nightmares. It was made in 1951 or thereabouts: a spaceship lands in Washington DC and is surrounded by the military, even though the envoy is there with peaceful intentions, as well as a bit of a warning to the world (we had entered the nuclear age).

A quote from the movie:

Reporter: I suppose you are just as scared as the rest of us.
Klaatu: In a different way, perhaps. I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.

I'm kind of inspired to go watch it again, now that I'm thinking about it. :ROFLMAO:

The Day the Earth Stood Still
Terri, Wayne, Claudia, thank you thank you

Arti - this is a new painting but an old theme of mine and was the first time back to acrylics since switching to oils several months ago. And I have a lot of acrylic paint to use up.

Those old sci-fi movies had terrific posters too.
Very cool! I love those clouds(?) I love the painting.

An armada of ambiguous clouds in this bit of Masolino da Panicale's Miracle of the Snow:
I love what you've done with the sky in this one, Bongo! Life goes on as usual under those "clouds." I had never seen the Panicale painting before either - kind of creepy!
I keep coming back to look at this one, Bongo! It seems to be that moment just before everyone realizes that things have become really weird. The closest foreground figure seems to be looking up, but the rest are playing (i love the pair tossing a ball) and running, oblivious to those ominous "clouds." Unsettling...
@Terri I now remember--I am getting this movie mixed up with an 80s movie (I think it was in the 80s) called The Day After, but I have seen both and they both gave me some bad dreams. :rolleyes:
Understandable, really. It wasn't a particularly feel-good story; it was a warning! But campy sci-fi is still fun.

This painting makes me smile, in that regard. :)