Studies ..


old man

11 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 1/22
This is a study of Ovanes. It was not an attempt to copy one of his paintings as I could never do that but it was me trying to glean anything I could from attempting to make a painting in his style. It was interesting to say the least and though he uses a brush more I use my knife more. That's the way the ball bounces. I did use one of his paintings as my starting out point but starting points are only starters. It's what happens along the way that makes of breaks the painting.

Ovanes Berberian


11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 1/22
This is a study I did using one of Segi's paintings as a starting point. The study was based on using a more liquid medium of wax/linseed oil/green. Green is a paint thinner without dangerous solvents. Anyway I used a brush and knife but a lot of brush. A loaded brush and forget the blending, just keep adding color into and over color. I liked the resulting painting so I will study this thing further.

Sergi Bongart
Great studies! Both of them are good, and definitely showcase your inspirations/references.

Thanks for the links to these artists. I love the vivid colors of Berberian, but feel you have more in common with Bongart, at first glance. ;)
Fun stuff, Wayne!
I agree: great studies! It must be fun to learn from artists you admire without attempting to copy their work. These both look like "Wayne's" and that's a good thing. I like the luscious-looking brush strokes of the second piece and look forward to seeing more like it.
Thank you Terri. Agree. I like Berberians brush work but find the colours jarring. Overly romantic for lack of a better explanation.

Thank you Joe

Thank you Donna. I like the method and will have to work on getting my medium mixed properly. In haste I made about 8 oz of it but after doing a few pieces I can see I have too much oil. I need to make small mixtures in till I get the proportions of the 3 in agreement with what I want the medium to do.

Thank you Zen, Lamar, and Bart
I like these! Especially the first one. The wave crashing on the rocks and the tiny bit of light coming through the ominous clouds really creates a mood. ❤️❤️
Thank you Ayin.
I can't tell you how I got them as I have no clue. I can tell you what led to them. I had a bunch of paint left over and so decided to make a mud with the scrapings and then my two different blues got added together (qty unknown}. I then add my reds together with some of the scrapings, and my yellows the same. Then ended up some weird red, yellow, blue for my primary color scheme. WhenI was close to finish, thelast thing was to add a little pure lemon yellow in places on the painting.
Thank you. It took years and tears to get to the point of acceptance of my limitations and now I learn how to stay within my limitations while stretching them.
I love the energy in this. It reminds me of the paintings of the Swedish author August Strindberg.
Thank you Mattias. Had to look him up. Very versatile artist.
Hes mostly known as an author, but was a very temperemental and made it work with his paintings too. He put his energy in the brushtrokes and I felt that when I saw your paintings too :) It is something I wish I could do more myself... I'm working on it.
Agree, he made a splash a splash. Can't beat alla prima for directness of impact.