Step Off Point


old man
Step Off.jpg

11 x 14 inches ..oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted Feb 26/24 .. experimenting with layers in Adobe to boost my creative end
Here I simply used two different paintings with each a layer and then blended them and painted .. will not stay here but it was a great Step Off Point
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That’s kinda cool, Wayne; a combination still life and landscape. A stillscape? It’s great that you’re always looking for something new to try - and enjoying it!
Thanks Jo and Donna. I was conservative as I think I should have done it more cameo and not as what I saw. I need to step over or under the line. We’ll see what tomorrow brings forth.
Looks like a bouquet with an outdoors background. Don't know for sure what was in the two paintings but it has a nice effect. ❤️ ❤️
thanks Sno.
If you look there are trees to the left of and in the vase the vase while there are mountains and ocean in the vase and to the right of it. It was an old landscape.