Love that black bee on the white flower. Beautiful!
I always think of those wood bees as "stupid." They fly so slow and loud and remind me of a dumb cartoon character going along in the air, "Doo-doot, dar duh dar..."![]()
Interesting - the fat carpenter bees I'm most familiar with are yellow and black: they look like regular bees. This guy is unique looking with his black & white.It's a carpenter bee. They're big and fluffy, like bumblebees, but they bore holes into wood for their nests, hence the name. They're also thieves: I have noticed that when flowers are too small for them to get into, they drill a little hole at the base of the flower, stick in their tongues and steal nectar without paying for it in pollination services.![]()
I enjoy your wildlife photos.
For a narrow depth of field you can try the "Aperture priority" mode, usually marked as A. Then you can fix a lens aperture and leave remaining settings to the camera to select.
Wow. What incredible pictures! They look like it's on the moon!![]()