Smashed Jack (Drive Thru)


Well-known member
I've done the front of this Jack in the Box, now I wanted to do the drive-thru with all the security poles in the parking lots.
Smash 1.jpg

It may not look like it, but it was so bitter cold I bailed. The next day the weather had warmed and I went out to try it again -- but now


There was a ratty old van, dashboard topped with garbage and no license plates blocking the scene. No guts, no glory - so I sucked it up and approached the driver. I explained what I was trying to do, and to my relief, he agreed to move.

I'm using an old painting that I covered with spray paint for the support.

making progress.

"Smashed Jack (drive thru) oil on16" x 20" re-cycled panel - letters done in studio

Smashed Jack (Drive Thru).jpg

comments welcomed
Well done ❤️ and glad the van was moved. It would have ruined the scene-- wrong spot.
Fun and great painting. I like seeing your area and places you paint. Thanks for taking me along!
I really like the design of this one, so many verticals to counteract the flat planes of the land. I never even noticed street lights before! They seem to be watching over the driver as he decides what to order.
Wayne, Sno,Jo, Donna - thank you!

Lowes, Jack in the Box, and Krispie Cream share this parking area - which's set off nicely with dividers of plants and trees. It's located in a good neighborhood but recently had a spat of shoplifting, and car break-ins. So they installed these overhead cameras and lights, have big speakers blasting "Lock your car, check your surroundings, hide your valuables, report suspicious people to manager" . They also have an R2D2 -like robot that patrols the lot with a direct line to the police station.
Wayne, Sno,Jo, Donna - thank you!

Lowes, Jack in the Box, and Krispie Cream share this parking area - which's set off nicely with dividers of plants and trees. It's located in a good neighborhood but recently had a spat of shoplifting, and car break-ins. So they installed these overhead cameras and lights, have big speakers blasting "Lock your car, check your surroundings, hide your valuables, report suspicious people to manager" . They also have an R2D2 -like robot that patrols the lot with a direct line to the police station.

First off, great job on the painting. But wow on the lights cameras and speakers. A local not so nice shopping area has recently installed this tall solar powered camera set up with a flashing blue light but thankfully no speakers.
I've not had the pleasure of seeing an R2D2 Security Bot! 😆 Hope they're helpful.

This is another fun painting of a local scene - you're so good at this! Glad the truck driver moved for you, that was nice. I like the depth of field here, and the sign is just a hoot! Nice work!
Mo, Terri thank you.

Terri - Smashed Jack is a real thing, - I'm not smart enough to make that up.

LOVE LOVE LOVE that blue car. Your palette is always so perfect!

That robot thing is frightening.