Shahzia Sikander Sculpture “Beheaded”


Well-known member

Shahzia Sikander Sculpture Beheaded at the University of Houston

I’m fearful of seeing more and more of this shit as idiots on every side of the political spectrum show an increasing lack of respect for art beyond how it might be used to make a statement… or more likely, to earn “likes” or ‘credibility’ on social media. 🤬
our world is titled to the negative these days .. not a good thing. Too many people with nothing to do but attack anything that annoys anyone and there is plenty of that to go round. Your fears are well founded and these acts are not likely to go away as we are spinning out of control. Just recently some ass wipe or wipes went into a dock yard and cut all the fishing boats free so they drifted away .. no one can fish or sit on that dock again .. locked up solid. All because of some idiot act of uselessness.
You are welcome to "dislike" this post but frankly this destruction of art is waaaaaay down my list of things that I worry about. Yes it's a shame and is a bad thing but on the list of things to worry about it barely registers with me. It is of course however very relevant to any art oriented forum like this and worthy of discussion. What worries me is the causes of it.

It is however frustrating that I am not king of all earth, but I'm retired now and today my back aches. Otherwise I might want to abolish ignorance in all it's forms. Cut the head off of it.

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And depending on where one gets their news, one might only hear about the acts committed by the "other side".

So the tribalism begets tribalism.

Shahzia Sikander Sculpture Beheaded at the University of Houston

I’m fearful of seeing more and more of this shit as idiots on every side of the political spectrum show an increasing lack of respect for art beyond how it might be used to make a statement… or more likely, to earn “likes” or ‘credibility’ on social media. 🤬
I found it interesting that Sikander has rejected the idea of doing any repair on this sculpture. According to the story, she now advocates to leave it as is, and just do more.

Also, the vandalism has been caught on tape. No one will be getting away with anything in this case.
I read about this and liked that she wanted to leave it as is. I think it adds to its presence.