Sage Hall Cornell U

P. Barrie

Well-known member
Oils on canvas, 18” x 24”
I originally painted this two years ago from a photo I took. Recently reworked the foreground bushes as they irked me. They still irk me some but less than before. That’s probably why I say “finished for now”
What do you see?


Excellent work. I think I see what you mean by the foreground bushes. Maybe it's that the building is so well defined but the bushes are more impressionistic? Maybe some more defining darks?

But that's nitpicking. Great work.
I see a beautiful painting. If anything, the large bushes in front of the larger building need more variation? Texture, colour?
I think these are beautiful. And I LIKE the brush strokes! It was painted with a brush, not a camera. ♥️
Thanks John, not nitpicking, thats my feeling as well.

Sanlynn, thanks, yes the bushes seem mushy, more paint I think.

Atry, thank you, I feel most of the brush work works, but those fuzzy bushes...
I still say the fuzzy brushes work too, but it's your painting. Too perfect doesn't work for me, personally. I like paintings to look like paintings.
Oh, but for what it's worth, I've been to Cornell, and it brought back some nice memories. ;)
Arty, At some point I’m gonna repaint those bushes more impasto, like some of the foreground strokes. hopefully less fussy
Cornell campus is very close to my residence. I’m steering clear of there now due to covid outbreak. Too much student “Fraternizing” I fear.
Both are beautifully done, Patrick, and make me miss the area so much. I love the brush strokes in the second one!
Donna, thanks, the seasons and geography here are worth missing for sure. The second pic is a close up of the right side of the bigger.
Oh I see that this is one painting now - but the close-up would make a beautiful piece on its own if you ever wanted to do that.