

Well-known member
We are starting back to school in person next week. We spent the last 3 days in meetings and room readiness. Because they don't want the kids traveling they will have Art, Music, Gym, Library, and Lunch in their homerooms. The idea is to avoid the potential spread of the virus as much as possible. Unfortunately, this means my art room... which is the best art room I've had in all my years of teaching... is now to be used as my office and the teacher lunchroom. 🙁 This also means I'll be teaching "Art on a Cart". Because I have no need to prepare my room (all the supplies the kids will use they must keep with them in a case and not share) I spent much of yesterday watching Art Videos. During this, I stumbled on these two fine videos on the art of the Rococo. I've long been a fan of the Rococo... not merely the painters (Boucher, Watteau, Fragonard, Chardin, Gainsborough, Tiepolo, Elizabeth Vigee LeBrun...) but also the literature (Robert Herrick, Jonathan Swift, Lawrence Sterne, Rousseau, Boswell, Daniel DeFoe...) and composers (Mozart, Haydn, Gluck, Boccherini, etc...)

I wish I could find the third video in this series which focused on the darker side of the Rococo including Goya, Messerschmidt, etc...
I watched these on my phone first, and they were pretty cool until I re-watched them on my computer and they were just so much better. Thanks for posting. ❤️