Road to the Mountains


Road to the Mountains.jpg

7×9 watercolor using Daniel Smith paints on Masters Touch sketchbook 80 lb. paper done today, another imaginary scene. Starting with the sky I put in cerulean blue + Payne’s grey very wetly leaving part of the paper dry. After returning from my dental appointment, I could see the left side had what appeared to be rocky cliffs so from there this was developed into background mountains, then vegetation. A road fit nicely into the middle foreground to lead us somewhere…

C&C welcome
This is great. I like the flow of it and story. Reminds me of the road between Albuquerque and Grants, New Mexico. Homesick in a good way. ❤️
The mountains divide the piece as there is no continuance in color buT otherwise a very lovely piece of imagination.
Terrific watercolor, Kay. You never fail to amaze me! I love your choice of colors here for this red rock landscape. How wonderful to let the painting set initially, then inspect it later to see what it's telling you. ❤️ A lovely, intuitive piece.
I find a degree of abstraction in the composition, with red rocks at the left and all-green fields, hills and mountains at the right!
I love very much the sky. I often try something like that with a thick watercolor brush. Sometimes I'm lucky, sometimes I try to "correct" it and in fact I ruin it.
Excellent stuff here Kay- really great handling of a difficult medium! I like the way the clouds belly down heavy with rain- and the green of a finally thirst-slaked land! Also like the way you snuck little patches of that dark blue-gray sky down into the shadows of the land.

This is great Kay! I love that vast landscape and I like the contrast between the mountains on the left and right. The sky is wonderful. 🙂
Lovely result Kay, particularly the sky. You have to leave the wet paint sometimes to find its own path, when the hair dryer wont do, and adding more paint/water/sponging etc is a step back!