River Run


old man

11 x 14 inches Oil on Paper .. Alla Prima ..
Thank you and yes the upper layers. When people talk layers they are usually talking of drying in between layers but painting Alla Prima, I put a thin layer with brushes and then, painting wet into or over wet, I put subsequent layers using the knife. Very seldom is a brush needed after the first brush in unless you go real heavy impasto and then the brush leaves really nice trails. Brush is much faster for the first thin lay in.
Wayne, I like the purples/violets that you have in the painting. The stream feels relaxed the way water is flowing. Lovely work!
Such a nice feel to this piece Wayne. I want to be there wetting a line where that fast water tails out around the rock. :)
Great movement and structural elements once again for a well balanced painting. Nice!

This is gorgeous. Love those colours in the sky, and there's a lovely glow to the whole painting. 🙂
Beautiful landscape! I love this palette. This is a wonderful composition, lots to look at. Terrific piece!
Thank you Queen , Moscatel, Cindy, John, Donna, Kay, and Terri

.. now if you'll excuse me: I'm off to the store to get a bigger cap .. 🤩🤩🤩 .. all that like makes a man feel good about his efforts.
thanks Arty .. I am finally learning that one has to put the inspiration out of sight at a point in the painting or the painting won't be inspired.
I am finally learning that one has to put the inspiration out of sight at a point in the painting or the painting won't be inspired
Arty. I build my paintings based on my block in and once I have a good blockin, I don't refer to the initial photo or set up but I let the painting process build the final picture. I find if I keep looking at the model the painting gets stonic as I am concentrating on the wrong thing. I enjoy the build. You know, one color changes all the others so at times I have to change corse midstream but it always resolves itself if I concentrate on what the painting is telling me it needs.
Arty. I build my paintings based on my block in and once I have a good blockin, I don't refer to the initial photo or set up but I let the painting process build the final picture. I find if I keep looking at the model the painting gets stonic as I am concentrating on the wrong thing. I enjoy the build. You know, one color changes all the others so at times I have to change corse midstream but it always resolves itself if I concentrate on what the painting is telling me it needs.
I do much the same (believe it or not). And I think this is a good way to do it. Not so much "paint what you see," but paint what you feel.
it's more fun and art is supposed to be joyful: not painful :cool: . whay is it so hard to remember? :sleep:
It all comes together in this one- I especially like the sense of light. Excellent