River of Life


old man
0623 07.jpg

Wayne Gaudon 11 x 14 inches oil on paper alla prima ..
Thank you Sno. I almost called it that but the current of the flow changed my mind. It does bear resemblance if it had more crap and garbage in it.
I like this so much, Wayne, especially the palette because it gives it an old master feel. I see the hoarder/person in a costume on the right and some assorted animals, or are they people in costumes? Dance of the Hoarders?
Thank you MrBungle.

Thank you Donna:
yes the blond seated dumping a pile of books
To the other side the drakharied one seated with orange/red shirt and blue pants again dumping books
books washed clean and below a new beginning ..
old fairy tale I would think they called them.