wonferful. I like very much. for the photo, lately I'm making them less blurry using genius scan, free app (at least the basic one which is the one I use), I don't know if you use the phone too. in case with this free app I also photograph the background, that is. not only the sheet, but it starts on the right, left, top and bottom, I photograph the sheet from a distance and then I crop it with the app, it adjusts the perspective but sometimes it prevents me from blurring, because it focuses on him, moving the phone away, lifting it while I try to stay still puts it in focus, cutting out the edges of the sheet, or of the sheet plus part of the background. that is, I always tried to take only the sheet, but in general it is perhaps easier to try to take also external. regardless of app, even if I don't know if this is actually the case, I say as an impression