Plein Bear


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Monday, July 10th, 2023
Bill Takes on a Brown Bear in Plein Air​
By CherieDawn Haas​
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The brown bear that Bill Davidson encountered while plein air painting in the Tetons​
Have you ever felt someone – or something – watching you when you think you’re alone? Artist Bill Davidson experienced this while plein air painting in the Tetons and discovered a brown bear had joined him.​
He paints up there a lot, so when he heard something in the bushes behind him he thought it might be a bear. He stepped about 20 feet away, takes out a can of bear spray. Sees the bear put a paw on the fence and it snaps like a toothpick

he watches taking pictures, the bear got into a bottle of water looked around, and then left. He said he was told later that thinking bear spray could save you is not a good idea. That there was a guy who emptied two cans of spray on a bear and still got killed.