Pescadero duo


Well-known member
Couple from today's painting at Pescadero Beach in CA. 11.5x9.5" pastel on Brown PastelMat; 5x7" watercolor on paper. B. Charlow 2024
pescadero rocks and waves 2024.jpg
pescadero watercolor 2024.jpg
Looks like you had good weather for painting today, Bart. I like the energy of the waves crashing against the rocks and the shoreline view is lovely.
Beautiful rocks and water in the first. Pastel brings out the color. Your watercolor has a great feel to it, sort of vast and empty/lonely. I like them both.
I love the first piece, especially the texture of the rock and the movement/depth of colour in the waves. The watercolour piece is lovely, I like the depth and the energy.