Passing Parade Thoughts - eyes shut start


Supporting Member
Another try at composing a painting from a support covered in lines and marks made while the eyes are shut.

This is such an interesting way to proceed that I would like to start a thread to collect the input and advice of others who have tried this.
I can't find much of anything on the net about this, only what has been mentioned here on this site by some real artists.

18 x 23 ins acrylic/paper

My process is to try to fill the canvas up with lines covering all of the surface, and then see shapes and designs in the lines that might look good together and paint them.
That accounts for the 2 sketches, the first did not have enough lines, I thought, so I rotated the sketch, pencils in both hands, closed my eyes, and shouted more rousing tunes.
I hope the 2 sketches get posted here:


And here is a detail close up of the lines showing throrgh on the finished painting.

I was going to cover up the unused lines with paint so they would not show and possibly detract from the final image, but after looking awhile, I thought they added a 'behind the scene' element of another dimension of reality; a sense that something else is going on beyond what meets the eye.

Plus, the lines sort of it gave the effect of an old masterpiece in oil, all cracked and crazed, and therefore it must be a big deal!

It seems obvious that there are many ways to do this proceedure, Exciting.
2 Artyczar (or whomever)
Where would be the appropriate place to start the thead I mentioned re: collecting info on the eyes closed process?
Interesting concept. A lot of the finished cohesiveness will depend on the colors chosen to use in the painting phase.
Absolutely !

To me it seemed that there were an almost infinite number of ways to combine the shapes and colors together, and I was sort of overwhelmed at the possibilities. The shapes alone, and their proximity to one another, were hard enough to evaluate, and when I considered the effect of one color or another on the various shapes, it became exponentially more difficult.

Therefore I decided to go with a large shape and pick the others as they seemed fit. I wanted red for the large shape and dominate color, but I thought it might be too strong and limit choices for the rest. So I picked the blue as a sort of compromise, figuring I could go in both directions for the rest. I wish I had stuck with red now.

I could go on, but this is probably more than you wanted to know anyway.

Thanks for your interest and comment.
I plan to try your method soon and will let you know how it turns out. This method reminds me of another technique I have tried in which ink is dropped on the paper and alllowed to drip as you rotate the paper in random ways. When you have enough lines you paint .....
Hi Trier, I would keep this thread here in the Contemporary and Abstract forum for now.

You may want to look at the whole concept of automatic drawing techniques, which I find extremely interesting. I got interested in this after seeing a documentary about Robert Motherwell: Storming the Citadel. which in essence made him a surrealist as much as an abstract expressionist. I'd check that out if I were you, even if you don't like him. You can read a bit about this concept on Wikipedia, or look it up on Google.

I like the whole idea and find your thread to be very interesting. I'd like to see where it takes us all. On your painting, I like that you show the pencil marks from underneath and didn't paint over them. There's something about that which shows more authenticity to the work.
I agree it is a fascinating subject and something that not everyone is willing to try. I found it a great springboard for those times when I was feeling a bit stuck. The whole process of just letting your body go with the flow can often create something quite startling. I like what you have done so far.
Thanks, Katie, for the encouragement and your personal insight on the process...Appreciated.
Hi Trier, I would keep this thread here in the Contemporary and Abstract forum for now.

You may want to look at the whole concept of automatic drawing techniques, which I find extremely interesting. I got interested in this after seeing a documentary about Robert Motherwell: Storming the Citadel. which in essence made him a surrealist as much as an abstract expressionist. I'd check that out if I were you, even if you don't like him. You can read a bit about this concept on Wikipedia, or look it up on Google.

I like the whole idea and find your thread to be very interesting. I'd like to see where it takes us all. On your painting, I like that you show the pencil marks from underneath and didn't paint over them. There's something about that which shows more authenticity to the work.
Hi Arty, I can see that this Forum is the logical place to have the discussion and information since the main application of this technique seems to be for creating abstract art.

I had thought that a separate thread here entitled something like, 'Closed Eye Technique Reports', would help others to find the information.
But I am okay with adding it on here in this thread, as follows:

Closed Eye Technique Reports and Information
This is a place to post reports, opinions and tips from artists who have tried this technique in one variation or another.

I guess that a seeker of information might want to know, and have questions, about how you handled some of the following basics.

Was there a general or specific motif in mind to start with
SUPPORT - how to keep marks on the support
flat, vertical or ...
rotation of support while marking

number of sessions or one shot or ...
total time or per session ...

pencil, pen, sharpie, brush , crayon or fingers or ...
one hand or both at same time or ...

heavy, light, varied
continuous , broken, mixture, one hand more than the other or ...

MUSIC, any ..
type and tempo or ..

look for shapes, lines combos in what order, if any ...
Have a general plan or idea in mind to begin with, or form one while sketching, or what ....


. . .

The previous posts that contained this type of info are sort of scattered and I hope this will put that info in an easier place to find in the long run.
That is, if there is any interest and reports to be made by those willing to share.

Yes, if you'd like I can try to organize it into a separate thread. I'll see what I can do... I may just cut and paste some duplicate things that were said in this thread if that's okay, otherwise, this thread will stop making sense.

Right now I have to runs some errands. I'll figure it it out soon though. :)
Yes, if you'd like I can try to organize it into a separate thread. I'll see what I can do... I may just cut and paste some duplicate things that were said in this thread if that's okay, otherwise, this thread will stop making sense.

Right now I have to runs some errands. I'll figure it it out soon though. :)
Yea !
That would be great. I was wondering how to not lose the train of thought here, and hoped there would be a way to transfer some of the info already posted so as to be coherent.

No big rush, quality ahead of speed for this; not like I paint.

Good luck and Thanks!
Trier, I tried starting a thread...let me know what you think. I can always make changes to it. I think we should let this thread be and we can continue to make it about your OP/painting.