P. Barrie Well-known member Messages 802 Aug 31, 2020 #2 Nice! Effective brushwork and color. Painted from life, memory, photo?
Enyaw namuh Messages 7,653 Aug 31, 2020 #3 Thank you .. done over time. I think it was plastic flowers from life. Then I gave it one or two passing strictly trying to make it more expressive.
Thank you .. done over time. I think it was plastic flowers from life. Then I gave it one or two passing strictly trying to make it more expressive.
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,355 Aug 31, 2020 #4 OOOOOO, you know which ones to save. This is a wowser! ❤
Artyczar Moderator Messages 13,128 Sep 1, 2020 #6 I feel like I commented on this one but I didn't. I look at the forum a lot from my other account on my phone and see the posts, but can't post as Artyczar, but I mean to say, "WOW!"
I feel like I commented on this one but I didn't. I look at the forum a lot from my other account on my phone and see the posts, but can't post as Artyczar, but I mean to say, "WOW!"
M Maybenartist Well-known member Messages 550 Sep 1, 2020 #9 It's a style I enjoy and it's well painted. The word you used 'expressive' fits perfectly.
Enyaw namuh Messages 7,653 Sep 1, 2020 #11 Thank you Maybe ... that sounds weird .. but thank you Thanks Desforges
M Maybenartist Well-known member Messages 550 Sep 1, 2020 #12 Enyaw said: Thank you Maybe ... that sounds weird .. but thank you Click to expand... I'm weird!
Grapes oil painter Messages 1,092 Sep 12, 2020 #14 Enyaw, love this painting and very red flowers! Excellent brush strokes and yet all so controlled!