On The Train...

Dave Woody

Well-known member
I do wonder if your narrative approach is a foil for getting your hands dirty with paint. I mean, the idea never takes presidence over the painting, and your use of colour is unambiguous.
Love this. It's so alive with human interaction even though everyone is one their phones. 😆 😍
Love this. It's so alive with human interaction even though everyone is on their phones. 😆 😍
Too true. I used to hate the confined space of the London Underground carriage. All those averted eyes; looking to appear oblivious. I found if I broke the wall of self-imposed isolation, pressure would lift.

I remember once looking up from Nietzsche only to see this grande dame draw her eyes from me in disgust, and I could read her thoughts: "Ugh, they even have their own Science..."

The Gay Science was the only Nietzsche I read cover to cover.
Iain, you nailed it...you nailed me....I do thrash around looking for a story which
then gives me an excuse to get my fingers and stiff brushes awash.

I am very flattered when you suggest that the paintwork has value itself, thank you, it
is hugely encouraging to me.