OK, I Got It


old man
Creek And Woods.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted Jan 08/24
I had trouble with landscapes so now I know how to handle landscapes .. it was fun. Thank you for your looking and commenting.
I guess as well it's time I stopped bothering with daily posting as the interest has faded to almost none. So, here is my last daily posting. I may as well post it as I had it ready for show. Limited palette again.
First off, I really doubt there's a lack of interest in your work, Wayne - it's always a treat to behold for many of us! Your output is amazing and I enjoy seeing your versatility. Forums always go through busy/slow periods of participation - a fact of life on the Interwebs! ;)

Second - wow! This is another beauty of a winter landscape. Loving these scenes with the deep, deep blues and the cool palettes for the snow, always blended so nicely with warming colors. This is how winter landscapes look to me. I'm always on the lookout for the warming colors when outside walking, not even sure why. :)

Keep 'em coming, I say. If you're doing them - may as well post them! ❤️
I’m with Jo and Terri - no matter how often you post I enjoy seeing your work, Wayne. I don’t do Instagram and I know a lot of artists have switched to that instead of forums like this so I have no other way to stay in the loop. Whatever works for you, we’ll be happy to see the results! This one is another winter gem; your palette is perfect for it.
Thank you Jo

Thank you Terri .. your comments are always well thought out in regard to the piece. I'm not complaining about a lack of interest it's just the internet forum thing we all have to deal with. I commend Ayin for keeping this alive for artist as there isn't much left on the net. I will just post less often. At least that is the plan. Who knows what quirks ones mind will entertain along the way.

Thank you Donna. I don't do anything but this. This site is my poster board so I will not be leaving just posting less often and bigger posts.

Thank you Joe, pcj, and Joe
Lack of interest? I don't see that.

I really love the trees in this. Are they birch trees, by the way? I also love the format (horizontal) of this one, too. For some reason, it really works for this particular scene. Makes it looks wider and captures the whole thing. ♥️
Thank you Ayin. Some birch but a lot of drowned trees as the wet land overtook the forest.

As for interest or lack of, I guess i was looking at the whole 539 and on average 5 or 6 replies. It’s my vanity that makes me think I should get more. I guess I need to get my nose to the grindstone and sharpen my skills. 🤪
You're just being silly, me thinks. There are not all that many active people on the site, and not on this particular forum, or Still Life or Botanical, etc. Please take that into consideration. I think you get more likes and comments than most do. I understand wanting more, however. We are artists and need it for the dopamine rush. What else is there really? :ROFLMAO: But...the people that do stop in who look, like, and comment--they are taking the time to do so. They want to. They spend their time doing that. Plus, there are those that view and don't take the time, but they look. Those are eyes. ;)

Keep em coming! ♥️
Yes,we do all have those thoughts, I think that compliments give us a reason to go on. Just human nature. Painting is great by the way, you do snow so well.🧡❄️🥶