Nowhere Else I'd Rather Be

Donna T

Contributing Member
Another little one in my sketchbook, worked on over several days. I was trying to convey a landscape - sky above and land below - but it kind of got away from me. Empty sky spaces still need interest and land shapes want to become recognizable things too easily. 7x7 ink, NeoColor II crayons, acrylic paint and gesso on watercolor paper.

It's very pleasing to the eye the way it is now :) I love the colors!

DonnaT said:
Empty sky spaces still need interest...

Maybe that upper part is asking for a little something... 🤔
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It's very pleasing to the eye the way it is now :) I love the colors!

Maybe that upper part is asking for a little something... 🤔
I went back and forth on the upper area so many times, Lamar. I wanted the feeling of a sky without too much stuff in it. Thank goodness it's so easy to paint and repaint with acrylics! 😁 I appreciate your thoughts - thank you!

Thanks Kay!
Thanks Captain - stones, boulders, pebbles, grains of sand - as long as they give the impression of weight I think they work.
I love this. It is serene. I like how it depicts rocks, maybe in water. It is beautiful Donna. ♥️
Beautiful work, Donna. I have come to love your abstracts and marvel at how good you've gotten with them! ❤️
Thanks so much CaliAnn, Ayin, Erik and Terri. I'm glad a serene feeling comes through. I think I finally found a process that works for me:
Step 1: paint something, anything.
Step 2: decide it is ugly and paint over it. Keep repeating the steps as necessary. 😁
Donna, I know you joke, but my philosophy is not far from this: Paint anything, decide that it's stupid, but don't paint over it. (Not every idea needs to be saved and exhibited.) But every idea deserves a chance. I tend to lean into the stupid. If I think it would be dumb to go this way or that, then I make myself do it. I take the risk. If I don't like how it turns out in the end, that's okay because I went with my gut and took the chance on a raw idea. ...That's me. I think you make very ethereal work that comes from your gut as well. ♥️
Every idea deserves a chance. Thanks so much for those thoughts, Ayin. Taking risks and going with my gut is not something I ever thought I would associate with my art making but it's exactly what I need.