Not For The Faint of Art


old man
Worlds Apart

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 10/22 .. predominantly made of mud.
I don't know what it is about this one, but I'm totally mesmerized by it - I think it's awesome
I love all these grays! ❤️ What a beautiful palette, Wonderful abstract, Wayne!
Thank you CaliAnn, Terri, and Ayin
.. this is the sum total of art .. art is nothing, art is all. It's all in the eye of the beholder and as I have nothing to show you, I show you nothing. Paint on a support: random gestures that leave you where your vision will take you.
I like those grays too and I especially like the gestural energy of this one! It seems calmer at the top and more chaotic at the bottom. Does chaos weigh more than calmness?
Thanks Donna. The top half has a horizontal viewing plane while the bottom half has a vertical viewing plane forcing you down as though looking through the eye of an eagle. Two different worlds.
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