Not Clint


Supporting Member
I finished this guy up today and decided he needed his own thread. The likeness is not as good as I would have liked but there he is.

What an amazing talent you have. I'm sure the actor would be flattered.

On his IMDb page, in the trivia section, it reads he was inducted into the International Mustache Hall of Fame. 😆
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Why thank you Iain! ❤️ I'm not completely satisfied with it myself, something is a little off but I'm not going to mess any more with it today.
Snoball, best wishes for a happy Easter, best wishes to all.
it is wonderful, beautiful work, it is very similar and the expression (which I think is very difficult) I think helps to give it that spark of life and magic that is always present in your art, however also here

yes, as they wrote to you, I agree that he would like it very much.
curiosity, paper, is a3, a4?
My instant first impression was; "It's Tom Selleck as Matthew Quigley in the film 'Quigley Down Under' though on further reflection, Sam Elliot does show through, although see Sam's face as being thinner ITRW.
My instant first impression was; "It's Tom Selleck as Matthew Quigley in the film 'Quigley Down Under' though on further reflection, Sam Elliot does show through, although see Sam's face as being thinner ITRW.
Sam's face wasn't quite so slim at this stage of the game. I think that is part of the problem I am having with it. I am used to seeing an older Sam and that is why I see Tom Selleck and Lee Horsley in him. :giggle:
Oh my God sno! This is so good it's outrageous! I don't know what you were nitpicking about, but I guess that's your prerogative. This is amazing and it look exactly like him without a question. I knew the second I opened it without thinking out it. He certainly is a good-looker isn't he? And he always plays a good cowboy type. All the shading is impeccable by the way. Great tonality. Wow, wow, wow! :) Four hearts and a lightening bolt for sure! Plus some other random musical instruments and a clown, or a unicorn.
LOL on the "Four hearts and a lightening bolt for sure! Plus some other random musical instruments and a clown, or a unicorn". Thank you for the generous compliment. I do like it a little better since I made some little corrections in about 4 places. :giggle:
Snoball, wondeful wonderful,
before it was 99% similar, now 110%, your art makes me give the numbers ...
wonderful job
Impressive work sno. So that's what effort and discipline and skill and talent looks like. Now could you do Nicole Kidman? Would your heart be into it as much? :)
Impressive work sno. So that's what effort and discipline and skill and talent looks like. Now could you do Nicole Kidman? Would your heart be into it as much? :)
Thank you John and yes, I could do Nicole Kidman but not as well because she is not as distinctive. The more character they have, the easier to get a likeness.:)