Nobody home


Supporting Member
Finished another aluminum foil image transfer. This one is another print from one of my infrared shots.

Here, I actually remembered to include some close-up shots to show the gleam from the aluminum foil, and textures from it under the print.

Nobody home:

Nobody home IT 2 resized.jpg

A couple closeups, this one angled:

Nobody home closeup 3.jpg

Nobody home closeup 1.jpg

Eww. Sorry for the image size here.

Again, I had these photos cut and ready before appreciating that too much of the foil shows as border. I'll finish this initial little series, and when I'm ready to try again I'll use better quality receptor panels and not be afraid to make larger prints. Live and learn!

Thanks for looking! :)
This might be my favorite so far, Terri! The foil does such mysterious things behind the image plus the wrinkles look amazingly like branches or even roots!
I love this! The black and white displays so well on foil. Good stuff. ❤️ ❤️
Donna, Wayne, Sno - thank you all so much! ❤️

I do think there's a lot of potential with the technique. Discovering the pitfalls early on has been educational! :)
WOW!!! I don't know which one I love more! They are both so amazing!!!! You have something here, something entirely special and your own. Keep this up and you're going to be in the Saatchi collection! These are just rad! ♥️
Great photo improved by your process. Moody. I wonder what went on there. There's always something a bit sad but beautiful with these old building scenes.
I love the results you are getting. What a creative way to display these old building subjects.
John, Anne - many thanks to you both! ❤️

John: I couldn't agree with you more. It was so quiet there: nothing around, hiking, and just off the trail - this place, surrounded by silent weeds and overgrown pasture. It wasn't always like that, right? Squeezes the heart!
Finished another aluminum foil image transfer. This one is another print from one of my infrared shots.

Here, I actually remembered to include some close-up shots to show the gleam from the aluminum foil, and textures from it under the print.

Nobody home:

View attachment 40277

A couple closeups, this one angled:

View attachment 40278

View attachment 40279

Eww. Sorry for the image size here.

Again, I had these photos cut and ready before appreciating that too much of the foil shows as border. I'll finish this initial little series, and when I'm ready to try again I'll use better quality receptor panels and not be afraid to make larger prints. Live and learn!

Thanks for looking! :)
I love this one Terri. Amazingly evocative :)
Unbelievably creative - award worthy! How do you keep the foil from tearing?
Sanlynn, Jennie, Joy - thank you all for the kind words! ❤️

How do you keep the foil from tearing?
Joy, I used heavy duty foil. for starters. I was very wary of using regular/thin grade with what I knew I would put it through. After getting a large sheet down into the gel medium, I pinched and prodded to get the folds and textures. I left a smoother area in the center to place the copy paper holding the image, then just used a spray bottle and my hands to rub away that paper and get down to the transferred image. I was careful, and the glued heavy duty foil held up just fine. :)
Sanlynn, Jennie, Joy - thank you all for the kind words! ❤️

Joy, I used heavy duty foil. for starters. I was very wary of using regular/thin grade with what I knew I would put it through. After getting a large sheet down into the gel medium, I pinched and prodded to get the folds and textures. I left a smoother area in the center to place the copy paper holding the image, then just used a spray bottle and my hands to rub away that paper and get down to the transferred image. I was careful, and the glued heavy duty foil held up just fine. :)

Thanks for the explanation, as I figured it was the heavy duty type. Still incredibly impressive!