Night walking


Contributing Member
I've been experimenting with body shapes in my works. My latest .. and trying to improve my photography.
Screenshot_20240805-090622 (6).jpg
Oh this is really cool JennieJo.

But maybe it's just my laptop but the image is too big to see all at once? I know when we post images we can reduce the size by highlighting and then dragging a corner in. Then if we want to see the full size we can click on the smaller image. I know, small niggle but with an image this cool it's good to see it all at once. And maybe it's just my laptop.

You do the coolest most unique stuff. More! :)
Oh this is really cool JennieJo.

But maybe it's just my laptop but the image is too big to see all at once? I know when we post images we can reduce the size by highlighting and then dragging a corner in. Then if we want to see the full size we can click on the smaller image. I know, small niggle but with an image this cool it's good to see it all at once. And maybe it's just my laptop.

You do the coolest most unique stuff. More! :)
Just saw this john. I don't offend easily. All good. And thanks. I didn't know about the dragging adjustments.