New Version Of An Older Flower Piece


old man
version 1 of the flowers.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted July 26/24 .. redid and older version to see and I do like the new version much more.
Viewer left is new .. right is older .. a few weeks ago at the most.

distance view:

I’m trying to figure out why I like the new version so much more. It looks like you added some light red-violet and bounced the yellow around for a better light effect. You changed the floor/tabletop to green which seems to enhance the flower stems and leaves. It seems more vibrant overall!
You are correct. The colour is more intense and as a result it has more life. I got the. Distance a little better as well. It was a self test to see what I learned from my last series. I feel as though I made a lot of gain in a short time. I found myself in my art.
I like both as well but the new one has so successful color tones that it's super good!
I think there's improvement to the first version. Congratulations!! 🎉 because I've done repetition every now and then and I haven't gotten improvement.
Thank you Moscatel. Glad you noticed. I have been working to remove the caulk and get color depth without the garishness of out of the tube intensities. A fine line