Motel Art Piece


Well-known member
I don't think I showed this one. It was an attempt to do the acrylic texture and minimalist landscape thing. Sometimes they look good to me. Reminds me of hotels. They're easy to look at and promptly forget while falling asleep.

I had it in on the wall for a little while. My mother in law asked me " What is it?" I had to explain that it's an abstract landscape. I don't think she knows what an abstract painting is.

But after the initial glow of creation wore off I realized her question was valid and decided, yeah, it's not much of anything. Bad hotel art. Is there any other kind? The texture thing is pretty fun though. The wiping back over it is cool.

So I'm about to paint over it to make it more landscapy and hopefully more interesting and pretty. I'll probably leave some of it showing through. I thought I would let it have one last public showing. It won't be gone. I like to think reborn.

14x18 inches acrylic
When you go for the abstraction stay away from local color .. get dangerously outlandish .. surprise yourself. I learned more about paint color and theory after I tried to paint abstract that I learned in the 40 years of painting landscapes.
When you go for the abstraction stay away from local color .. get dangerously outlandish .. surprise yourself. I learned more about paint color and theory after I tried to paint abstract that I learned in the 40 years of painting landscapes.

Good advice Wayne. Yeah I can see how that would happen. Without the need to copy the natural colors the mind has to figure it out.

My problem is that I seem to be in a permanent twenty year exploratory stage with my painting. Different mediums, different styles. Maybe it's not a problem at all. I think I like staying confused. I will get back to that ala prima knife work though, that you do so well. I like the directness and simplicity of materials and texture and how it insures a certain abstraction. And the challenge.
This looks beautiful to me, and I find the palette perfect. Yes, I see it as a landscape. An abstracted one, like something from a dream, or seen through gauze. The textures and shapes are beautiful. I like seeing the mark of the artist's hand.

I read a lot of commentary here about abstract. I find it interesting but confusing, and I don't like overthinking art. I like pieces to just hit me visually, whether in a good way or not.

This one definitely hit me in a good way. :) I'm interested in seeing what you're going to do with it next.
I like this too - especially the textured band. At least with acrylics we can keep painting over something until we’re happy with it. I will be curious to know if you have an idea in mind when you start or if you’ll just wander until you get there.
... Is there any other kind? ...
No, with at least one notable exception I've experienced. I once had the good fortune to stay for a few days at the Negresco Hotel in Nice. Le Negresco is famous for its collection of genuine works by famous artists. That stay and some of the wild parties in the villas above Nice I was invited to are some of the fond memories from my youth I look back on in my old age.
NOT bad hotel art. Bad hotel art has nothing of interest, and this has a lot of features that would make me look deeper into it, especially because of the media and texture. It is ethereal and seems almost spiritual. It's really beautiful to me. ♥️
No, with at least one notable exception I've experienced. I once had the good fortune to stay for a few days at the Negresco Hotel in Nice. Le Negresco is famous for its collection of genuine works by famous artists. That stay and some of the wild parties in the villas above Nice I was invited to are some of the fond memories from my youth I look back on in my old age.

Nice! :) Yeah, it's probably just that I just stay at cheap hotels. And actually, even that art isn't bad. More just like bland and lowest common denominator stuff. I'm too cynical at times.
NOT bad hotel art. Bad hotel art has nothing of interest, and this has a lot of features that would make me look deeper into it, especially because of the media and texture. It is ethereal and seems almost spiritual. It's really beautiful to me. ♥️

Thanks. Yeah, this is my new criteria. Art that could be in a hotel but has interest. :)