More new watercolors


These are all on 10 x 7 inch Arches.

Magic Bean (with some ink):


Roof Rock (also with some ink):


Turn of the Season (look Ma, no ink):

I like all of these, but particularly Magic Bean. It just so alive and vibrant! I like drawing snakes. And fish. 😊
Thank you both. That is so funny because Magic bean is my least favorite or maybe the rock roof one is my least favorite. I like how the last one turned out though. Just goes to show you.
Magic Beans gets another vote! Love all the colors and shapes--(not the two headed snake though :eek: )
Nice work on all of them. :)
Thank you Patrick and ntl. I am privy to Turn of the Season too. I like how that one turned out.
Somehow I missed seeing these and Magic Bean is the winner in my book. It’s funny with mine, too, in that if I like one no one else does and vice versa.
I really like these! Roof Rock is my favourite, I love the bold shapes and that background blue. And I like rocks. 🙂