Moody Blue


old man
Blue White Floral.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted March 26/24
Forecast is rain, rain, rain, and more rain .. puts a damper on fishing. :mad:
What a beauty!! I love it. ❤️

I'm sorry about the rain keeping you inside, but as long as we get paintings like this, well...let it rain! 😆
Thank you Terri .. you got your wish .. more rain. :ROFLMAO:

Thank you Kay. I have been working more on my palette lately.

Thank you Murray ..
Beautiful! Rain may not be good for fishing but it is great for keeping you in tune with your artistic side.:giggle: This is a lovely bouquet and it fits right in with the background. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Jo. Keep smiling: it's good for the world.

Thank you Sno.
I am trying. I started going through my book which is now 347 pieces and a little less than a year's work. I trim it every year and try to improve on the pieces I trim. I am only now on my second; neither of which I have posted yet. I find it helps trim the herd and improve on the stock. It's a new series which I will start with tomorrow's posting. I am always a day behind as I like my painting to sit over night so the wax can turn the piece into a matte finish. East to take pictures that way.
This is just lovely! I’ve always wondered what you did with all your paintings as you are so prolific.
So in your comment to Sno you say a book. Does this mean a book of photos of your work?
Thank you Sanlynn:
Book is a loose term for books. I buy my paper pads in sheets of 24 and pack about 15 pieces back between the covers. I have a number of books which make up the book. I have a picture of all within them in a file I keep called album. When I discard them, I delete the phot from the album as well. It took me a little to get this composed but I keep a good record of what I keep. I can see them all as I look through the file or I can use Windows and make a moving of them so I can see them on my TV via a memory stick. As for being profilic a lot of them turn out to be junk and I junk them but somewhere down the line I will have a pretty good volume of good work that someone can put in the junk when I die. :eek: I can look on the file and in properties I can see how many I have in the file.
I like that it called periwinkle? Something like that. I like it, whatever it's called. ;) ♥️