East Wind II


old man
Soft Corners.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. painted March 28/24
.. when it comes to fish .. east is least .. rain seems to turn them off .. must be the noise of the water hitting water so they stay deep .. that's my take on it anyway.
At least you made good use of your time even if you couldn’t go fishing, Wayne. This is a subdued beauty. Was there a mother color at work?
Thank you Donna. yes, but I can’t remember what it was. When I stop painting I scrape up the scraps of ynleft and all the other bits and pieces and tha usually becomes my mother color. On some paintings the mother color is very evident and on some not so much. Sometimes the mother color is predominant and other times she is submissive but over the last few paintings I have used the process and my intentions are to keep using it as I like the fact I get unique color exchanges. As well, my colors are being worked into regulars.
It’s only my reds that get changed out as I am using up older colors. My permanents at this time are Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue, Indian Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Bone Black . My reds are Cad Red light, Permanent Rose, Alizarin Red, Bright Red. I think I will end up with CAD Red and Permanent Rose. I don’t use the full palette but rather select from those colors. I like warm and cold so I do think the Burnt Umber will be replaced with Raw Umber. In the mean time I can add green to it to cool it as I never worry about exact colors; not important in my book.

Phew, long winded today.😅
I appreciate that, Wayne. I hope to get going with oils someday and have a million questions about specific palettes and colors but don’t want to be a pain about asking all the time. Just learning about mother colors has been so helpful!
Super interesting, Wayne - and thank you for sharing all this. I like learning about color mixing and creating one's permanent palette. With oil pastels, it's just crayon-sized sticks so it's easy to GET THEM ALL - which I did. :lol: But playing in acrylics lately it's a different game, as mixing becomes a reality (much more limited in oil pastels), so this stuff matters. Thank you for always sharing!

And - nice painting! ;) Your pale greens here are sumptuous.
Than you Terri. I’m glad it’s of interest to some. It’s fun to be able to pass tidbits back and forth with other artists.
I like your use of the "scraps of paint". They are never overmixed, that's what keeps your paintings alive. (y)Fishing may not benefit from an east wind, but your painting did. It looks as if the east wind, coming from the right blew the bouquet to the west. Lovely painting. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Jo

Thank you Sno. I call it color in color and it allows the color to talk. You are so observant. No wonder you are a very good artist.