Michael Beckett AKA mbeckett


It's time for our Artist's Spotlight for March! Aren't you excited?

This is the third Spotlight feature in the series, and we are very honored to present this short interview with our artist member Michael Beckett, who you might know as mbeckett. Michael's work can most often be found in the "The Next Sketch is..." thread in the Journaling and Sketchbooks Forum. You can see a huge variety of his work there (and many other members' work), as there are over 100 pages to riffle through.

I hope you have as much fun getting to know this significantly prolific and talented artist as I have. So, without further hesitation, on with the questions...

Where did you grow up and where do you live and work now?

I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and I'm now retired from an IT career, living in Calgary Alberta, Canada (neighboring province).

What was your first start in making art?

I am a late starter in the art world. I was always interested, but I am red-green color blind and was advised by school counselors that studying art would be a difficult endeavor. So that was that, until about the year 2000. I started to play with cartoon animation. frustrated with my lack of ability to draw, I started teaching myself and never really looked back. I even paint in color now. Oh, if they could see me now! :LOL:

01 Evolution.gif

Did you go to school or study it?

I mostly taught myself with a few evening art classes and workshops thrown in.

02a Carousel Ride -16 x 20in acrylic on canvas.jpg

Carousel Ride -16 x 20in acrylic on canvas.

Who were your very first artistic influences and who are your current ones now?

Originally, it was cartoonists as that was what I started with. I was a big fan of Gary Larson (The Far Side) and Jim Unger (Herman). Once I started doing "art proper," I turned to Da Vinci's drawings and all the Impressionists. In particular, Edgar Degas, Van Gogh, and Paul Gaugin.

02b Colorful Splash of Glass - 11 x 14in acrylic on board.jpg

Colorful Splash of Glass - 11 x 14in acrylic on board.

What is your favorite medium to work in?

I loved to paint in acrylics on canvas mostly until the multiple sclerosis monster got me. Working small suits me much better now, using ink and watercolor. I also like conte and charcoal pencils. Lately, I have fallen in love with fountain pens, and I am experimenting, combining them with alcohol marker. There are other mediums down the pipe that I want to try too. Bouncing around different media is probably not good for art sales but I have fun doing it. ;)

05 Friday Face Challenge - 6 x 9in fountain pen and marker on Bristol.jpg

Friday Face Challenge - 6 x 9in fountain pen and marker on Bristol.

Do you have any philosophy regarding the art-making process? If not, can you run us through your process?

I try to challenge myself [in] every piece. Sometimes it's by getting technically better at something. Sometimes it's by achieving a certain look. My favorite pieces usually start as some kind of "experiment" along those lines. It makes the process that much more enjoyable and playful, and isn't that what it is about in the first place?

03 Baby Chimpanzee - 2.5 x 3.5in ink and watercolor art card.jpg

Baby Chimpanzee - 2.5 x 3.5in ink and watercolor art card.

What are three things you cannot live without (family members excluded)?

- Art
- My computer(s)
- It may be cheating the rules, but I'll say my family in general, who keep me safe from COVID and make life with a chronic disease much more bearable.

If money was no object, what would you buy?

An art supply store (didn't even have to think about this answer! :LOL:)

04 Figure Study - 6 x 9in charcoal pencil on Bristol.jpg

Figure Study - 6 x 9in charcoal pencil on Bristol.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

If anyone reading this thinks they can't make art by default, then try it! Everyone has it in them. If you don't try, you'll never know! ...and thanks, Arty! I am honored to be in the spotlight here! 💖


Michael's website: BeckettArtandDesign.com
Instagram: @beckettartanddesign

We'd like to thank Michael, very much, for participating this month. :)
I admire your artwork very much, Michael, and it's nice to learn a little more about you! The animation is so good and I always enjoy seeing the variety of work you post in Journaling and Sketchbooks.
What a wonderful selection of your artwork! That animated piece is brilliant. :-) Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of the man behind the pen.
Love this interview! Your work always captures my attention, and I admire your versatility. Thanks for sharing so much about your creative process!
Your art is absolutely amazing. You are an inspiration to me. Appreciate that you share and are so generous with your knowledge. Love your sense of humor. Good to get to know you.
Mike, it’s so good that you have been honoured in this way!
We’ve been artistic friends for almost twenty years and I have always admired your work … long may you continue to entertain us with your sense of humour showing through your drawings.
Love that animation too …. 👍
Love your work. Haven't been following posts in the Journalism/Sketchbook forum - but I will now.
Michael, thanks for sharing your talents and journey with us! Apologies I did not comment until now. The glass bottles, pen and ink drawings, and your different styles are very engaging. I especially appreciate the varied works and freshness of the mediums you used.
Michael, thank you for sharing your art insight with us.. Wonderful art works. If I ever make it to Banff again, I will invite you out for a plein aire ...:)
Michael, thank you again for sharing your beautiful work. It has been an honor to feature your art. All of it is outstanding! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️