Members Online List


Well-known member
Is "Log out" the only way to be taken off the "Members online" list?

I thought that if I shut down my browser, I wouldn't show up in the "members online" list until I started my browser up again but that doesn't seem to be the case. I closed my browser and then went into Creative Spark on another computer and I still showed up on the "Members online" list even though my first computer wasn't on.

I've been logging out since I discovered this but I was just curious to find out if it is one of my settings or if this is the way it works for everyone.
If you're logged out, you shouldn't be showing up as still online.

I've noticed that the xen Foro software has this pre-checked box when logging in, saying: "Stay logged in" and I always uncheck it. I don't know why it's there or what purpose it serves.

Have you noticed this? Try un-checking it if you aren't already, next time you log in. :)
i notice that there is an option under your Account / Privacy to "show your online status" that you can uncheck. no idea whether it works or not.
i notice that there is an option under your Account / Privacy to "show your online status" that you can uncheck. no idea whether it works or not.
Yes, you can cloak your presence with this feature. This means that your online status can't be seen.
Thanks Terri.

Here's what I did to see if the "Stay logged in" check box was the cause of the problem.


I logged on and unchecked the "Stay logged in".

I closed my browser.

When I started my browser up, I had to log in again which would imply that I was logged out but I was still showing up on the "Members online" list.


I don't mind people knowing I am online when I am but it should be accurate.

Since it doesn't seem to work exactly as I expect it to, I'll log out each time I leave but I thought it was an interesting observation. I guess it's just the computer programmer in me (from a previous life!). :giggle:
i notice that there is an option under your Account / Privacy to "show your online status" that you can uncheck. no idea whether it works or not.
It does. When you uncheck the box you will show up in the members online list but your name is grayed out. You are visible only to yourself.
It does. When you uncheck the box you will show up in the members online list but your name is grayed out. You are visible only to yourself.
I had a feeling it worked since I have sometimes seen there were more members on line than there were in the list.
Thank sno. I have been wanting to ask Hannah about this today, but she's been sick. She's caught my cold. :(
Arty, sorry you and Hannah have had colds. You can be so miserable with a cold! I'd as soon take a beating. 😟
You've covered all the bases. :) I think the "stay logged in" option is useful for frequent visitors who don't want to enter their password every time they drop in, but you've talked about both ways to circumvent that. (y)
I cloak as suggested above in my settings.

However, regarding your original question, the software probably doesn't know when you leave, unless you signal it by logging out.

However, the software probably takes you *off* the members on-line list after a specific amount of time with no further activity. I think on the old Wet Canvas, it was 15 minutes. (Might have been 30? Not positive on the exact number.)

That way, they had a pretty good representation of how many people were hanging out at any roughly given time.

This site might have similar processes.
I cloak as suggested above in my settings.

However, regarding your original question, the software probably doesn't know when you leave, unless you signal it by logging out.

However, the software probably takes you *off* the members on-line list after a specific amount of time with no further activity. I think on the old Wet Canvas, it was 15 minutes. (Might have been 30? Not positive on the exact number.)

That way, they had a pretty good representation of how many people were hanging out at any roughly given time.

This site might have similar processes.
Interesting thought.
However, the software probably takes you *off* the members on-line list after a specific amount of time with no further activity. I think on the old Wet Canvas, it was 15 minutes. (Might have been 30? Not positive on the exact number.)

That way, they had a pretty good representation of how many people were hanging out at any roughly given time.
I'm not certain. Hannah is our tech geek on all matters Xen Foro. What's being run over there, both in the past and currently, is not Xen Foro - we're talking older vBulletin and Wordpress, I think. But it's likely all drawing from similar concepts. :)