May IsFlower Month Is It Not


old man



All paintings are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted May 6,7,8 of 24
I started wiht a new approach on an older painted and muted things down, form there I tried to sketch in oil paint but I go carried away and the sketch turned into a painting. Then I decided to try my similar approach as on the first one but being more careful of my color and stroke. I think each one can stand on their own but I like the thrid as my fave of the group and will continue on with that process for the next one.
Well, this is June but...............I do love these flowers and I especially love that middle blue one, that is spectacular. ❤️ ❤️
Ha, time is flying! Welcome to June Wayne :LOL: Great staff, specially the third one! Hope all is well..
Thank you Zoran. Yes time waits for no man. June?? who knw?

Thanks Jo. That old saying ..April Showers Bring May's Flowers .. Oh well, they are June flowers now.
I’d say your new process is working well, Wayne. You always do great things with flowers and they seem to enjoy modeling for you. These are all beauties!
Every month is flower month if you ask me!

These are all so good, but I adore the second one.