

Supporting Member
Something different. Back around 2000, I became interested in Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology and the use of art therapy as a healing tool. At the same time I discovered a book called Mandala by Jose and Miriam Arguelles. They presented the central-focused mandala as a healing tool, , as a universal image, a vision and a way of growth. I was fascinated and painted a few which I present here for your contemplation, critique and commentary. These are not religious symbols. These are painted in acrylics on 1/4" luan plywood, about 20x20 inches.

Star Gate

Don's painting Awakening Star.jpg

Healing Hand

Don's painting Healing Hand.jpg


Don's painting Ostara.jpg


  • Don's painting Awakening Star.jpg
    Don's painting Awakening Star.jpg
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  • Don's painting Healing Hand.jpg
    Don's painting Healing Hand.jpg
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  • Don's painting Ostara.jpg
    Don's painting Ostara.jpg
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  • Don's painting Conjunction.jpg
    Don's painting Conjunction.jpg
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I LOVE these, Zen!! ❤ I find them beautiful and soothing to look at. Your palettes are wonderful in each one.

I would love to see them in person, to get the feel of the texture there. Just gorgeous work! ❤
I agree! They are beautiful and soothing to look at and I can see that painting them might have been a real pleasure. The Star Gate reminds me of a quilt pattern I once attempted called Mariners Compass. I can definitely see the universal appeal of these!
I LOVE these, Zen!! ❤ I find them beautiful and soothing to look at. Your palettes are wonderful in each one.

I would love to see them in person, to get the feel of the texture there. Just gorgeous work!
Thank you Terri, I'm glad you like them! :)
I agree! They are beautiful and soothing to look at and I can see that painting them might have been a real pleasure. The Star Gate reminds me of a quilt pattern I once attempted called Mariners Compass. I can definitely see the universal appeal of these!
Thanks Donna, I've seen that pattern. I think they would be very difficult with needle and thread. :)
Beautiful Zen. I especially love the Stargate one. I have a north star I used to wear around my neck that my great grandmother gave to me that I cherish so I am attracted to that symbol, and I also like Jung a lot. I'm privy to the Mogan David as well with the hand (I'm Jewish). I know they are not religious symbols, but I like how the colors fade into each other on that one. Very soothing/meditative. They are therapeutic to look at. Well done!!! ♥️
Beautiful to see mandalas in color!
Thank you Christel! :) Interesting that mandalas have become a popular theme for adult coloring books as tools to relieve tension, etc. The designs can become exceedingly complex.
Great color arrangements ..
The takes me back to high school where everybody and their brother had an exercise book full of them.
Great color arrangements ..
The takes me back to high school where everybody and their brother had an exercise book full of them.
Thanks Wayne. Yeah, a drafting compass and a piece of paper can create hours of fun. (y)
Beautiful Zen. I especially love the Stargate one. I have a north star I used to wear around my neck that my great grandmother gave to me that I cherish so I am attracted to that symbol, and I also like Jung a lot. I'm privy to the Mogan David as well with the hand (I'm Jewish). I know they are not religious symbols, but I like how the colors fade into each other on that one. Very soothing/meditative. They are therapeutic to look at. Well done!!! ♥️
Thanks Arty. ;) Originally I had in mind to create an eight pointed star (stellated octahedron) that looks like this:
3d  StellaOctangula_600.gif

but that's hard for a flat frontal image. So I made the hexagram (magen david or Star of David, or morgenstern "morning star") and covered it with my personal handprint like an ancient cave dweller. Those parts radiating from the center palm are where the unknown stepped in.

I belonged then to a regional arts group that put on biannual member shows. For $50 I got to hang three pieces for the weekend but the docents didn't really get where mandalas were at, so they hung, and scattered, my work to fill in holes around other popular local artists, like this:

Dons Painting Healing Hand 001.JPG
I watched one viewer study it really hard but he didn't bite. My daughter says she likes it and I've offered to give it to her but she's politely avoiding the offer. Oh well :)
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Beautiful Zen. I especially love the Stargate one. I have a north star I used to wear around my neck that my great grandmother gave to me that I cherish so I am attracted to that symbol, and I also like Jung a lot. I'm privy to the Mogan David as well with the hand (I'm Jewish). I know they are not religious symbols, but I like how the colors fade into each other on that one. Very soothing/meditative. They are therapeutic to look at. Well done!!! ♥️
Its kind of as above so below. when one triangle point up and the other down. one point to sun and air and one to earth and water. it is not the morning star and not the northern star its represent the number seven. six days are days of punish and the seven day is the day of rest which at this day we supposed to look inside. if we take the six triangles of the hexagram (sexagram) and point them inside we get the inner point which all the six triangles pointing at that point. this point can be Saturn or it can be the Sun. Saturn is the lazy one from all the rest planets and thats why sabbath in latin engish called suter bcz its the day of lazy or rest and saturn is the seven planet. or it can be the sun when three of each planet serround him/her. moon venus mercury SUN mars jupiter saturn. the MENORA is based on that and most likly the hexagram. there is no other light anywhere other than the sun light and its absolut fact.
Beautiful works.
Thanks Lazarus. And thank you for that interpretation, it's more information than I had when I painted these. :)
When we paint from imagination, I think we tap into deeper roots than we realize; ie, Carl Jung's archetypes and collective unconscious.
Thanks Lazarus. And thank you for that interpretation, it's more information than I had when I painted these. :)
When we paint from imagination, I think we tap into deeper roots than we realize; ie, Carl Jung's archetypes and collective unconscious.
Must agree. something like natural drugs.:)
These could be personality trait tests. “Pick your favorite mandala”. Very nice stuff
Thank you Mary :) Yes they could be, and probably are. I think the large variety of work we all do here is an indicator of personality traits.