Magnolia in Watercolor


Supporting Member
Sorry I have been away from forums for a bit, as I had a very busy last several weeks. Plus we are going on holiday soon, and will be consumed with preparation this week. This was done as a challenge for another forum. It has been worked to bits, but I actually like it, a pleasant change for me.
The BG was originally all dark, then I added some DS lavender to produce the dappled sky. This is 11 x 7, watercolor on Arches 140CP. It does look a lot like the photo, and I hope to develop a more unique interpretation of subject matter, rather than just copying. The colors look brighter in person.

Well, no wonder you're pleased - this is superb! Your magnolia is luscious. The palette, including the background, is just beautiful. Pure eye candy. Great work, Joy!

Hope you have a great vacation! 😀
That’s a gorgeous painting, Joy! I like how you kept the background quiet so the flowers stand out.
Wow so gorgeous and delicate looking. Lovely colors and background. Applause!! Have fun on your holiday.
How awesome is this?! This is nothing short of perfect. It's a Masterpiece in my eyes. Take a huge bow Joy. What a spectacular work of art! ♥️
Ayin, what uplifting praise! I really didn't start it with any expectations, as I struggle with flowers. There are just so many really wonderful floral artists I never bothered with them that much.

I have been away from forums and art for a few weeks. We were away on holiday for nearly two weeks, getting back late April 4th. Not only am I exhausted by the trip (which was very nice), I caught a cold from Jerry and feel even more tired. We just don’t sleep well away from home, and the seas (we were on a Southern Caribbean cruise) were exceptionally rough and noisy at night. After we left the home port of Baltimore, a bridge collapsed and we could not return there. So we had to dock in Norfolk, VA and take coaches to Baltimore.Those that flew were taken to airports. Rush hour traffic in Baltimore, then snow squalls in PA on windy mountain roads in darkness.There is so much to do and unpack; I loathe feeling disorganized.
Sorry I have been away from forums for a bit, as I had a very busy last several weeks. Plus we are going on holiday soon, and will be consumed with preparation this week. This was done as a challenge for another forum. It has been worked to bits, but I actually like it, a pleasant change for me.
The BG was originally all dark, then I added some DS lavender to produce the dappled sky. This is 11 x 7, watercolor on Arches 140CP. It does look a lot like the photo, and I hope to develop a more unique interpretation of subject matter, rather than just copying. The colors look brighter in person.

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Beautiful. Those petals are very captivating.
This is just beautiful, Joy! ❤️ My Tulip Magnolias got frozen this year.:cry:
Not sure how I missed this one! It's beautiful Joy - love the range of pinks and the blanding in the petals. I love magnolias, mine is just starting to open its flowers. Glad you got home OK!